Over the past four years, Dr. Peter Brukner has traveled the world giving talks and presentations on his findings, some of these have been recorded and are available below.
Opening remarks at the Public Health Collaboration conference, London 2018
The Public Health Collaboration (PHC) is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to informing and implementing healthy decisions for better public health. … Their main focus is to help the NHS save money and improve patient health through lifestyle interventions.
Biohackers: Is the Low Carb Diet Good for Athletes?
Listen to Dr Peter Brukner, Australian Professor of Sports Medicine & physician explain the low-carb diet approach for athletes, its long-term benefits & if carbs are needed to perform well. If you know someone interested in whether a low-carb diet can be suitable and sustainable in the long term for athletes (elite & amateur), then this interview is for them.
Low Carb USA – 1 June 2018
Dr. Brukner speaks to Low Carb USA about how he made a profound personal discovery and started to become known not only as a Sports Medicine doctor but as a Low Carb Doctor as well.
For my Podcast with Jordan Michaelides (Uncommon Podcast) please Click here.
For my talk with Just Below Their Purpose please Click here.
I recently spoke with the ladies at The Wellness Couch, it is a long one. Click here.

The Studio 10 team talked to Dr Brukner about his latest book.

On Wednesday 3 May Dr Brukner was interviewed on Sunrise to talk about his new book.
For the full clip click here
Was great to catch up with Eddie and Luke Darcy to discuss A Fat Lot of Good. They are both very interested in diet and lifestyle issues and are very supportive of the low sugar, avoid processed food philosophy contained in the book. As you can see from the photo they are both looking very healthy. Luke is also a big fan of meditation which is something I also discuss in the book – it is not just about nutrition – I cover other lifestyle issues (exercise, stress, sleep, sun, etc) as well..

I first met Eddie when he was a cadet sports reporter at Channel 10 in the late 80s when I was a cub doctor at Melbourne. Eddie used to come to training and we would chat on the boundary line. As far as I am concerned he has never changed – always friendly, enthusiastic, passionate, and interested in what I am doing. Was good to see him again this morning.
Have a listen to my chat on Triple M breakfast this morning: